Students in Early Childhood Teacher Education and Their First Experience with Problem-Based Learning

How to Cite

Meyer, G. S., Reigstad, I., & Serikova, L. (2023). Students in Early Childhood Teacher Education and Their First Experience with Problem-Based Learning : A Comparative Study From the Perspective of Students in Kyrgyzstan and Norway. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 11(3), 25–43.


This comparative study examines how students from Early Childhood Teacher Education in Kyrgyzstan and Norway value their first experience with Problem-Based Learning. The study is a result of the collaboration between ECTE in Kyrgyzstan and Norway focusing on student-active learning. The research is important because there are few if any studies focusing on PBL in Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE), and little use of PBL as a basic norm in Kyrgyzstan. Our data consists of students’ anonymous, written, open-ended questionnaires. These are analysed by means of qualitative content analysis. We found evidence that students value collaboration, and in this report, we describe their experiences with the PBL-method and suggest some implications for the quality of learning. We discuss and compare similarities and differences in students’ experiences in light of cultural differences.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Grete Skjeggestad Meyer, Ingunn Reigstad, Leila Serikova