Drinking coffee at the workplace

Keywords | Nøgleord

#categorization, #work, #leisure, #workplace leisure behaviour; #boundaryless work


Wegener, Charlotte, Ninna Meier, og Karen Ingerslev. 2015. “Drinking Coffee at the Workplace: Work or Leisure?”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 11 (oktober):47-57. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i11.2751.

Abstract | Abstract

Work and leisure are commonly viewed as two distinct activities. The blurred and dynamic boundaries between work and leisure are present in many peoples’ everyday life, as well as in studies of boundaryless work and work-life balance. In this paper we examine the problems of rigid categorizations. Studying breaks at work may provide important information about human behaviour and organizational life, information we may partly overlook if we categorize them simply as non-work. Categories are part of the research processes, but we can experiment with categories and even create new ones, to add nuances and new perspectives to our studies.
