Circus days

Keywords | Nøgleord

#internet bubble, #1990s, #entrepreneurs, #startup, #Sweden


Wiklund, Lisa. 2015. “Circus Days: The 1990s As an Iconic Period of Time for Swedish Internet Entrepreneurs”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 10 (juni):53-65.

Abstract | Abstract

The article is based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out on behalf of a research project about the Swedish startup/internet community and suggests that the 1990s can be seen as an iconic period of time for the Swedish Internet scene. It is argued that mental associations and imaginations associated with the 1990s are still relevant for the intellectual construction of the present-day internet-scene through providing a framework for the making of a space in Michel de Certeau’s sense of the word. The article presents reoccurring themes from the interviews with the informants, highlighted as examples of important stories about the 1990s that are active in constructing the framework for the organization of later experiences.