Creativity assessment as intervention

Keywords | Nøgleord

creativity, definition, assessment, intervention, cultural psychology, education


Tanggaard, Lene, og Vlad Petre Glaveanu. 2014. “Creativity Assessment As Intervention: The Case of Creative Learning”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 09 (december):18-30.

Abstract | Abstract

Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship are among the most celebrated concepts in today’s world and this places them high on the agenda in the educational system. Everyone wants creativity, but few people have suggestions as to how to proceed developing or assessing it. This leaves educators around the world with the dilemma of how to integrate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship into the curriculum. The present paper will discuss how current definitions of creativity and creativity assessment often stand in the way of working constructively towards this goal as they typically disconnect idea generation from idea evaluation and develop creativity measures that focus almost exclusively on divergent thinking. We will argue for a dynamic type of creativity assessment that considers it a developmental rather than purely diagnostic tool. Practical concerns regarding the assessment of creative learning will support these theoretical and methodological reflections.