Looking at a Photograph – André Kertész’s 1928 Meudon

Keywords | Nøgleord

aesthetics, aesthetic experience, André Kertész, Henri Bortoft, , hermeneutics, hermeneutics of aesthetics, Meudon, phenomenology, phenomenology of aesthetics, visual studies


Seamon, David. 2014. “Looking at a Photograph – André Kertész’s 1928 Meudon: Interpreting Aesthetic Experience Phenomenologically”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 09 (december):321-35. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i09.3268.

Abstract | Abstract

Focusing on André Kertész’s 1928 photograph of the Paris suburb, Meudon, I consider a phenomenological means for exploring aesthetic encounter with a photograph. Drawing on my own interpretive work with this image as well as student responses, I delineate a continuum of encounter ranging from partial seeing to deeper aesthetic insight. Making use of the hermeneutic designations suggested by philosopher Henri Bortoft (2012), I identify a lived continuum of aesthetic experience that extends from limited assimilation through a more involved appropriation to an engaged participatory understanding.
