Ironic Europe

Keywords | Nøgleord

Television series, Gender, National Stereotypes, Europe, Crime


Stegger Gemzøe , Lynge. 2021. “Ironic Europe: Gender and National Stereotypes in Killing Eve”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 22 (april):137-48.

Abstract | Abstract

BBC America’s television series Killing Eve (2018 - ) can be read as a classic clash between East and West, male and female, but with a twist: some of the (gender) roles have switched, and the show – while certainly also buying into classic stereotypes – seems interested in nuances and a humoristic play with the viewer’s expectations. This article explores the female protagonist and antagonist roles in seasons 1-3 of Killing Eve in light of contemporary gender stereotypes and representations. It links this analysis with a consideration of how national culture and locations are constructed in the show, exploring the notion of ‘secondary markers of location’ and illustrating a connection between challenging stereotypes and the corporate purpose to promote BBC America’s channel brand.