Hvilke posisjoner kan være vanskelige å innta i forskning for medforskere som er avhengige av hjelpeapparatet?

Keywords | Nøgleord

Co-research, marginalization, co-creation, homelessness, child welfare.


Syrstad , Ellen, og Håvard Aaslund. 2021. “Hvilke Posisjoner Kan være Vanskelige å Innta I Forskning for Medforskere Som Er Avhengige Av Hjelpeapparatet? Om Samskapingsprosesser Med Medforskere Fra Marginaliserte Grupper”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 23 (december):96-108. https://doi.org/10.5278/academicquarter.vi23.7031.

Abstract | Abstract

The article is based on two PhD studies in which marginalized co-researchers who depend on the aid apparatus contribute to co-creation of research. The first study includes parents whose children are placed in public care; the other study includes homeless people. In the article, we want to explore the co-creation process between researchers and co-researchers in research where the co-researchers have a background from marginalized groups that depend on the aid apparatus. Findings from our studies indicate that such a dependency can act as a barrier to critical research or critical actions in two ways: 1) It is difficult to be critical of one’s own position, and 2) It is difficult to be critical to the aid apparatus. The article concludes that the two positions are different but that they serve the same purpose: it is strategic to position oneself in certain ways when a lot is at stake.

