Dialogisk aktionsforskning med samskabende processer om, hvordan sang og musik kan integreres i kulturen og hverdagslivet på plejehjem

Keywords | Nøgleord

Dementia, co-creation, culture, action research, using song and music


Ottesen, Aase Marie. 2022. “Dialogisk Aktionsforskning Med Samskabende Processer Om, Hvordan Sang Og Musik Kan Integreres I Kulturen Og Hverdagslivet På Plejehjem”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 24 (maj):227-42. https://doi.org/10.54337/academicquarter.vi24.7262.

Abstract | Abstract

Dialogic action research with co-creative processes on how song and music can be integrated into the culture and everyday life in nursing homes


The article is based on an ongoing action research project at a nursing home. Relatives, employees, and the manager are involved as co-researchers in dialogue-based and co-creative processes, where it is investigated and worked on how song and music can become an integral part of the culture and everyday life for the residents living at the nursing home.
An action research process is unfolded and put into perspective with focus on: “What co-creation can be, how it can take place and what it can contribute to”. A dialogical action research approach characterize the research and it is designed based on the research circle tradition. Methodologically, thematic analysis is used. As a result of the thematic analysis, the following significant themes are presented: 1) Dialogue provides interplay, counterplay and interaction; 2) Proximity to practice through using video and 3) Reflections “in” and “on” actions in practice.
