Identities and Methodologies of Doctoral Candidates Undertaking Audiovisual Research-by-Practice

Keywords | Nøgleord

audiovisual methodology, doctoral students, creative practice, practice research, filmmaking, academic identity.


Jones, Nina, Jemma Saunders, og Ella Wright. 2024. “Identities and Methodologies of Doctoral Candidates Undertaking Audiovisual Research-by-Practice”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 28 (september):48-56. 28.8849.

Abstract | Abstract

“Identities and Methodologies of Doctoral Candidates Undertaking Audiovisual Research-by-Practice” comprises a triptych of video essays, crafted by the co-organisers of the inaugural B-Film Creative Practice Colloquium at the University of Birmingham. In each video, the creators reflect upon data collected during this event (including a videographic exercise, digital questionnaires, and filmed interviews). Through analysing how attendees described and executed their practice and methods, the three videos jointly and separately interrogate: 

• relationships of process and product in audiovisual research-by-practice;

• the place of experimental filmmaking in academia;

• opportunities for, and impediments to, the adoption and development of filmmaking in the academy.

These works have a specific focus on postgraduate researchers and thus may provide guidance for both supervisors and future students working in creative practice research.


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Creative Commons License

Dette værk er under følgende licens Creative Commons Navngivelse – Ikke-kommerciel – Ingen Bearbejdede Værker (by-nc-nd).

Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Jones, Jemma Saunders, Ella Wright