Potentialer og risici ved selvkørende køretøjer: implikationer for regulering, planlægning og forskning - Et litteraturstudie


  • Hannah Villadsen Roskilde Universitet




The introduction of vehicles that can navigate road traffic without a driver constitutes a fundamental break with the way road transport has historically worked. The scientific understanding of the likely effects of the implementation of autonomous road transport on the transport system, on road users and on passengers, has the pervasive characteristic that it is based on estimates and qualified guesses in a context defined by many uncertainties.

This paper reviews 45 key scientific publications all of which focus on potentials and consequences. The paper is intended for professionals and decisionmakers with interest in the implementation of autonomous vehicles who seek an overview of existing research and thinking in the field. As the first experiences with self-driving vehicles in a Danish context are expected to be focused around self-driving minibuses in public transport, the effects of autonomous technology on the relationship between privately owned mobility and public transport are discussed.




How to Cite

Villadsen, H. (2020). Potentialer og risici ved selvkørende køretøjer: implikationer for regulering, planlægning og forskning - Et litteraturstudie. Danish Journal of Transportation Research - Dansk Tidsskrift for Transportforskning, 2, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.djtr.v2i1.3510