Call for Papers: Special Issue on Ecosystem-based Spatial Planning
In the summer of 2024, Denmark reached a green tripartite agreement with the aim of reducing agricultural carbon emissions and pressures on the environment and restoring nature (The Danish Government, 2024). Geodata and spatial tools play key roles in the concrete implementation of the agreement which is the largest reform of the Danish landscape since the Danish agricultural reforms 200 years ago. The importance of geodata is reflected in the strategy set out by Geoforum where utilising geodata as a cornerstone for a sustainable future is one of three key policy priorities. Furthermore, there is an increased focus internationally on ecosystem-based environmental management. Therefore, this edition of Perspektiv focuses on how geodata and spatial analyses can support the implementation of the reform and strengthen ecosystem-based spatial planning.
We invite contributions on how GIS-analyses and geodata can support sustainable physical planning in connection with the upcoming reform of the Danish landscape or by including examples from international projects. Contributions might address themes such as geodata management and quality improvement, GIS analyses, and/or spatial tools that can guide decision-making as part of more holistic physical planning processes supporting the development of sustainable agriculture and/or energy production while strengthening the protection and restoration of nature and ecosystems. We welcome both Danish and international contributions on the topic but recommend reflecting on insights of relevance to address some of the challenges mentioned in the recent Danish Green Tripartite Agreement.
The ecosystem-based approach originates from the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and recognizes the close links between the health of land, water, vegetation, animals, and humans (CBD 2004). Due to the complexity of ecosystem-based linkages, the approach requires iterative updates of cross-disciplinary data to provide the best available information (Elliott & O’Higgins 2020).
A green future requires an integrated approach to biodiversity, environment, energy, climate, and agriculture which is a requirement increasingly being politically recognized exemplified by the recent European Green Deal (2019) and the Danish Green Tripartite Agreement (2024) (European Council 2024).
Focus of the Issue
We welcome submissions written in English or Danish on geodata management and/or spatial approaches that address ecosystem-based and area-based management. Contributions could, for example, address quality assurance of geodata or spatial analyses that contribute to understanding or solving the challenges mentioned as part of the Danish Green Tripartite Agreement.
Themes where quality-assured geodata are needed include: nature conservation and restoration, forest restoration, nature-based solutions, social-ecological models to better understand ecosystem dynamics, improved land or water management, sustainable agricultural transition, energy planning, and green transitions to healthy ecosystems. Both theoretical and practical insights are welcome, with flexibility to draw on Danish, non-Danish, or comparative contexts as well as to use historical, observed, or modelled geodata.
Call for Contributions
Authors are invited to contribute to this special issue, either in the scientific (peer-reviewed) section or the technical (non-peer-reviewed) section.
Editorial Board for the Issue
The editors of the special issue can be contacted at:
- Ida Maria Bonnevie, Aalborg University Copenhagen,
- Mette Balslev Greve, Aarhus University,
- Stig Svenningsen, Det Kgl. Bibliotek,
The Danish Government (2024). Regeringen og parterne i Grøn trepart indgår historisk Aftale om et grønt Danmark. Link:
CBD, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2024). The Ecosystem Approach – CBD Guidelines. Montreal. Accessible from:
European Council (2024). European Green Deal of 2019. Link:
Elliott, M., O’Higgins, T.G. (2020). From DPSIR the DAPSI(W)R(M) Emerges… a Butterfly – ‘protecting the natural stuff and delivering the human stuff’. In: O’Higgins, T., Lago, M., DeWitt, T. (eds) Ecosystem-Based Management, Ecosystem Services and Aquatic Biodiversity. Springer, Cham.
Deadlines og dates
- Expression of interest: March 14 2025
- Deadline for papers: June 13 2025
- Review process will begin mid June
- Expected issue: September 2025