About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Geoforum Perspektiv is a peer-reviewed journal published by Geoforum Danmark.

The journal is indexed in DOAJ (Dictionary of Open Access Journal), please see: https://doaj.org/toc/2245-8433

The aim of the Journal is to enhance the ongoing research within the field of spatial information.

The journal is published with three publications per year. One publication is a theme publication focusing on an editorial topic (please see: announcements), one publication contains articles from Geoforum's annual conference, Kortdage, and one publication is a collection of articles that did not find their way into the other two publications.

The editorial board consists of members from all Danish universities.

The journal operates with two types of papers:

1) Peer-reviewed papers, which are subject to peer review (double blind peer review)

2) Other papers, e.g. debate posts, reviews, guides and others.

See more details in the author guidelines

Peer Review Process

The peer review process is a double blind review. Scientific papers submitted to Geoforum Perspektiv are reviewed by two reviewers chosen by the editor, with advice from the editorial board, on the basis of their recognized knowledge in the field addressed by the paper. Thus it is often necessary to receive both reviews before an objective decision is made on publication.

The Journal requires authors not to submit their works to other publishers for review while the article proceeds through the Geoforum Perpektiv review process.


Open Access Policy

The Journal is published online free of charge and adheres to the Open Access Initiative, which aims to facilitate the dissemination of electronic content. Authors submitting their work will therefore be required to submit harvestable metadata. Authors publishing on Geoforum Perspektiv retain copyright to their articles and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC 4.0 when submitting their work.

There are no Article Publishing Charges for authors publishing in the journal.

Publication ethics and Privacy Statement

Geoforum Perspektiv adhere to the COPE guidelines for best practice.

Personal information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For additional information please refer to Privacy and cookie policy of Aalborg University.

Sources of Support

The online edition of the journal is published by Aalborg University Open Publishing.

Journal History

Editor-in-chief 2002-2008: Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University
Editor-in-chief 2008-2011: Hans Skov-Petersen, Copenhagen University
Editor-in-chief 2011-2022 : Line Hvingel, AAU/COWI/KL
Editor-in-chief 2022 - : Jesper Høi Skovdal, Geoforum