
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published previously, nor is it submitted to another journal for review.
  • The submitted file is in Microsoft Word file format (.docx) and follows the Perspektiv template.
  • Literature references are made using the Harvard method, cf. the author's guide.
  • All necessary permissions for publishing illustrations and graphics have been obtained by the author.
  • Please make sure you have the right to publish illustrations, if any
  • Illustrations, figures, and tables are positioned in the text, where they belong, and eventually attached to the submission as separate files. Moreover, figures are referenced from the text.

Author Guidelines

The journal accepts papers within the main topic Geographic Information, and which also fit within the theme of the planned upcoming publications. Upcoming themes are announced on the journal's website.

Papers that have been published in the same form elsewhere are not accepted.

Papers can only be submitted via the Submissions menu item on the website (this page).

It is important to fill in information about the author(s) (name, title, affiliation). In addition, a short CV (max. 100 words) must be included.

When submitting, it should be clarified whether the article should undergo peer review (scientific papers) or belong to the section: Other papers.

Scientific papers must be 6-12 pages long, corresponding to 3,000 to 7,500 words, and contain a Danish and an English title and a Danish and an English summary.

Other papers should be 2-6 pages long, corresponding to 1,000-3,000 words, and be accompanied by a summary (max. 125 words).

The editorial team strives to process submitted manuscripts as quickly as possible, and authors will usually receive feedback on submitted papers within 3-4 weeks.

Please use the author guidelines for submission.

Please also use the Perspektiv MS Word template for layout and style requirements.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and the e-mail adresses will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Author names and affiliation will be published along with publication of articles.