Employer branding


Frimann, Søren, og Bolette Rye Mønsted. 2012. “Employer Branding”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, december, 174-90. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i0.3202.

Abstract | Abstract

Søren Frimann and Bolette Rye Mønsted Employer branding. Employer branding has become a way that both private enterprises and the public sector meet changing conditions of the labour market and organizatorical challenges in a postmodern and globalized world. The present financial crisis has created new challenges to organizations in their efforts to attract and hold attractive employees. But what does it mean when Grundfos say "People are in focus", and what does "diversity" mean when it is applied to the Municipality of Copenhagen as a workplace in relation to employer branding? Is there actually a connection between the thoughts about employer branding and the externally communicated employer brand products? Or is the unique identity of the workplace substituted by buzz words without any substance without including employees and stakeholders? The aim of the article is to evaluate these questions against a background of analyses of two cases with employer branding.
