Oversættelse af elevplaner i folkeskolen


Jacobsen, Alice Juel, Michelle Nadia Werther, og Stinne Tarp Klode. 2012. “Oversættelse Af Elevplaner I Folkeskolen: Et Casestudie I Organisatorisk læringsperspektiv”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, december, 263-76. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i0.3208.

Abstract | Abstract

Alice Juel Jacobsen, Michelle Nadia Werther and Stinne Tarp Klode Oversættelse af elevplaner i folkeskolen Et casestudie i organisatorisk læringsperspektiv. (Translation of pupil plans in the primary school A case study of organisatorial learning perspective). Since in 2006 the Danish parliament introduced pupil plans in the primary school they have been debated as a pedagogical evaluation tool. The aim of the pupil plans was to support teachers' work with systematizing summative and formative evaluation of the pupils' learning. It is the aim of the article to examine when possibilities for organisatorial learning arise in the work with the pupil plan. The article has been written against the background of a large case study about the use of the pupil plan in the Municipality of Greve (Klode and Werther, 2011). The article concentrates on two empirical examples of how and when the potential of organisatorial learning arises in connection with the teachers' interpretation of the intentions of the authorities and the leaders at Greve School. As a conclusion we will offer a suggestion of how Greve School can concretely work with and employ the organisatorial learning potential that has arisen. 
