The life and influence of the 1925th Chicagomap
Sociologisk mapping, Chicagoskolen, Burgess, koncentriske zonekort, performativitet, byteori.Abstract
AbstractThis article traces the life and influence of the 1925th Chicagomap produced by Ernest Watson Burgess. The map was produced as part of the work of the Chicago school of Sociology evolving around identifying and decoding the various types of local communities and identifying zones characterized by less attachment and community. Once produced the 1925th Chicagomap and the thoughts behind it gets a life of their own. This article examine how the map and the thoughts behind it occur in different geographical contexts, amongst various urban scholars and in newer research regarding the relation between local attachment and residential location, and the article concludes that the performativity of the map is very potent as it works by inspiring and supporting new maps as well as being a partner in conflicting dialog.
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