Velkommen til Aalborg Universitets Open Access-tidsskrifter

Med tilbyder Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek en Open Acces-publiceringplatform for tidsskrifter med tilknytning til Aalborg Universitet. er et Open Journal System-website (OJS), og adgang til samt support af OJS stilles gratis til rådighed af Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek og VBN-teamet. Tidsskrifterne er udgivet af forskere, som er tilknyttet Aalborg Universitet. Alle tidsskrifterne er Open Access, og størstedelen af indholdet er peer-reviewed. Nedenfor kan man se den fulde liste af Open Access-tidsskrifter på Aalborg Universitets platform. Kontakt venligst Anna Stegger Gemzøe ( for yderligere information om, eller hvis du ønsker at oprette et tidsskrift. 


  • Academic Quarter | Akademisk kvarter

    Akademisk kvarter er et peer reviewed online tidsskrift for humanistisk forskning. Tidsskriftets formål er at imødekomme efterspørgslen såvel som mangel på udbud af tilgængeligheden af kritisk forskning inden for den humanistiske og kulturvidenskabelige forskningstradition på de danske universiteter.
    Målet er, at tidsskriftet løbende afdækker bestemte aktuelle temaer, men samtidig forsøger tidsskriftet også at sætte en standard for god forskning inden for netop emner og rammesætninger på humaniora.
    Akademisk kvarter er finansieret af Det Frie Forskningsråd med bevillingen ID: DFF – 7013-00013.

  • Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication

    Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, or Globe for short, is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal which seeks to publish original quality research articles in language, linguistics, and communication studies. Globe is an open source journal providing free access to its contents; also Globe does not impose any form of fee or charge on authors who publish in it.

  • Danish Journal of Transportation Research – Dansk Tidsskrift for Transportforskning

    Danish Journal of Transportation Research - Dansk tidsskrift for transportforskning lukker med udgivelse af 6. årgang (2024)

    Aalborg december 2023

    Danish Journal of Transportation Research – Dansk Tidsskrift for Transportforskning har været et fagfællebedømt online akademisk tidsskrift, der publicerede forskning indenfor transportområdet og herunder relaterede områder som mobilitet, trafiksikkerhed, gods og logistik med mere.
    DJTR har været det eneste fagfællebedømte tidsskrift for transportforskning i Skandinavien, hvor der også kan publiceres på de skandinaviske sprog.

    Tidsskriftet udsprang fra den årlige konference Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, hvor der var et ønske om at kunne få fagfællebedømt de publicerede artikler – også selv om de var på skandinavisk. Efter 5 år konstaterer redaktionsgruppen, at dette ønske har været begrænset og samtidig at ”konkurrencen” på tidsskriftmarkedet er vokset markant i perioden.

    Derfor lukker vi nu tidsskriftet og takker såvel redaktørgruppen som vore fagfællebedømmere for deres arbejde for tidsskriftet.

    Afslutningsvis skal vi understrege, at alle artikler der er under fagfællebedømmelse, vil blive færdigbehandlet og udgivet i tidsskriftets 2024 nummer.  


    Gode hilsner

    Dalia Stakenaite (redaktionssekretær) og Harry Lahrmann (ansvarshavende redaktør)

    Alle artikler fra Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet (proceedings) fra de sidste 30 år kan stadig findes her:

    Danish Journal of Transportation Research – Dansk Tidsskrift for Transportforskning is a peer-reviewed, online, academic research journal aiming to publish most recent researches in the field of Transportation and related areas such as Mobility, Traffic safety, Freight & Logistics and more. DJTR is the only academically based journal for transportation research in the Scandinavian regionThe language of the journal is Scandinavian or English.

  • Geoforum Perspektiv

    Geoforum Perspektiv er Geoforum Danmarks fagfællebedømte tidsskrift, der løbende udgives online med videnskabelige artikler relateret til GIS og geodata. Tidsskriftet er optaget på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets autoritetsliste som et niveau 1-tidsskrift. Desuden er tidsskriftet indekseret i DOAJ.

  • The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies

    The IJIS is an independent student-driven and faculty-refereed academic journal based at Aalborg University, Denmark. It was established in 2002 on the initiative of the Study Board of Master Programmes in Development & International Relations (DIR) and European Studies (ES). Presently, the journal is supported by the Study Board for International Affairs under the Department of Politics and Society.

  • Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems

    The Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS®) aims to leverage insights from behavioural economics to help solve the most pressing challenges facing the world today. BESS® explores the theory underpinning the practice of the 'Second Track' with a view to broaden recognition of the methodology and encourage its wider

  • International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management

    The IJSEPM is an international interdisciplinary journal in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management combining engineering and social science within Energy System Analysis, Feasibility Studies and Public Regulation.

    The journal focuses on:

    - Energy System analysis of the transition to sustainable energy systems. This includes specific scenarios, models and analyses at local, regional, country and global level as well as studies of theories, methodologies, and software tools used in such transition analyses.

    - Economics, Socio economics and Feasibility studies including theories and methodologies of institutional economics as well as specific feasibility studies and analyses of the transition to sustainable energy systems.

    - Public Regulation including theories and methodologies as well as specific analyses and proposals in the light of the implementation and transition into sustainable energy systems.

    IJSEPM is approved by the Finish bibliometric Publication Forum, the Norwegian bibliometric Kanalregister as well as the former Danish BFI. 

    The journal is registered/indexed in/by Scopus (Press link to see all published articles in IJSEPM),  Ulrichs WebDirectory of Open-Access JournalsSherpa/Romeo and DataCite

    Published by Aalborg University Open Publishing.

  • Problem Based Learning in Higher Education

    The Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education (JPBLHE) represents state of the art research in the theory and practice of PBL in higher education and actively seeks to promote transformative and progressive university pedagogy.

  • Journal of Business Models

    The Journal of Business Models is an open source, peer reviewed, international journal devoted to establishing the discipline of business models as a separately recognised core discipline in academia - as is already the case in practice.

  • Journal of Visualization and Interaction

    Submission site for the Journal of Visualization and Interaction.

    A diamond open-access journal for the infovis and HCI communities.

    If you do not have an account yet, please register a new one using your institutional email address. Otherwise, you can login directly.

    Please see our main website for further information.

    Publisher: Aalborg University Open Publishing, Kroghstræde 1-3, 9220 Aalborg Ø.

  • The Journal of Somaesthetics

    The Journal of Somaesthetics is a peer-reviewed, online, academic research journal devoted to research that advances the interdisciplinary field of somaesthetics, understood as the critical study and meliorative cultivation of the experience and performance of the living body (or soma) as a site of sensory appreciation (aesthesis) and creative self-stylization

    The Journal of Somaesthetics figures in  bibliometric research systems of various European countries.  The Journal of Somaesthetics is Elsevier Scopus indexed.

    The Journal of Somaesthetics  is funded by:

    • Independent Research Fund Denmark, DFF (2019-2026)
  • Logic and Philosophy of Time

    The online journal, Logic and Philosophy of Time, is a peer reviewed online journal dedicated to a deep investigation and also the further development of Prior’s paradigm. 

  • Metode & Forskningsdesign

    Metode & Forskningsdesign bringer artikler om metodevalg og konsekvenser, metodologiske refleksioner, idéer til nye veje for dataindsamling og præsentation med mere.

    Hvorfor? Fordi metoden afspejles i den viden, der skabes og må gøres synlig i enhver form for vidensproduktion. 
    Derfor! Vi skal træffe metodiske valg på et kvalificeret grundlag for at øge forskningens værdi.

  • Nordic Journal of Commercial Law

    The Journal is one of the only academically based journals in the region that regularly publishes commercial law articles in English. The Journal is double blind peer-reviewed and publishes high quality, original contributions to the field of commercial law. Articles need to have either direct or indirect relevance to one or more of the Nordic countries, e.g. by adressing international issues of relevance to the region or by adressing particular domestic or regional legal issues.

  • Nordic Journal of Media Management

    Nordic Journal of Media Management aims to publish most recent researches in the field of media management and related areas such as media business models, media entrepreneurship, media policy, social media and advertising.

  • Artikler fra Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet

    Articles in this journal are the proceedings from the annual conference at Aalborg University - Trafikdage. This conference covers the wide range of topics within the field of transportation adn traffic, such as traffic safety, transport politics, sustainable transport, logistics, public transport and many others. Conferenece welcomes participants from all Nordic countries, researchers as well as practitioners.



  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning

    Since 1998, the biennial Networked Learning Conference has provided an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research in networked learning – particularly in higher education and lifelong learning.

    Networked learning has become a broader area of inquiry over the years, bringing together research in education and organisations spanning formal, informal, and technology-enhanced learning settings.

  • QuiViRR: Qualitative Video Research Reports

    QuiViRR: Qualitative Video Research Reports (pronounced 'quiver') is a hybrid academic journal that supports both blind peer review and non-peer reviewed content. Its broad thematic focus is qualitative research methods in the humanities and social sciences that are centrally and substantively video-based.

    The main areas that the journal covers include:

    • Using audio-visual technology for research purposes;
    • Conducting and transforming video-based qualitative research;
    • Supporting video-based qualitative research methods with software and hardware solutions;
    • Documenting and investigating sociotechnical practices of research with video and audio;
    • Appropriating and developing new technologies to extend video-based qualitative research in new directions, e.g. immersive XR, spatial audio or drone video;
    • Critically documenting and reflecting on the practices and workflow of video methods, from data collection to dissemination of results;
    • Exploring interventions in social, political and cultural contexts in and through video-based qualitative research.
  • RefleXen

    RefleXen er et fagfællebedømt videnskabeligt tidsskrift for forfattere, der er studerende ved Institut for Kultur og Læring på Aalborg Universitet - samt tidligere studerende der er dimitteret fra samme sted inden for det sidste år før indsendelsen af deres artikel.
    Artiklerne i RefleXen er meget diverse i deres fokus og udtrykker den spredning i videnskabelig faglighed, som Institut for Kultur og Læring dækker i både uddannelse og forskning.
    Det er RefleXens mål at give dygtige studerende en mulighed for at prøve sig selv af som tidsskriftforfattere. Derfor udøves der ikke blot fagfællebedømmelse, men der vil i forlængelse af accept af en artikel gives konkret støtte til redigering i form af redaktionelle skriveworkshops.
    En typisk artikel i RefleXen er et omarbejdet bachelorprojekt eller en omarbejdet opgave på kandidatuddannelsesniveau, som har modtaget en god karakter. Der er dog ikke noget krav om, at forfatteren/forfatterne har fået en bestemt karakter eller er på et bestemt semester.
    RefleXen udkommer to gange årligt.
  • Musikterapi i Psykiatrien Online

    MIPO udgiver artikler, essays, rapporter, anmeldelser og andet materiale, der belyser forskning og klinisk arbejde inden for alle psykiatriens områder i de nordiske lande. Alle artikel er gennem peer review

  • Coaching Psykologi - The Danish Journal of Coaching Psychology

    Hovedformålet med tidsskriftet er at være et væsentligt dansk forum for diskussion af coachingpsykologisk praksis og forskning indenfor felter som f.eks. life-coaching, executive coaching, organisatorisk coaching, sports coaching, integrativ coaching og en lang række paradigmer som f.eks. psykodynamisk coaching, kognitiv coaching, humanistisk coaching, systemisk coaching, narrativ coaching, positiv coaching osv. 

  • Papers in Local and Regional Development

    Papers in Local and Regional Development publishes work dealing with problems, potentials and strategies of development in regions and localities under pressure from global and national trends.

  • Tidsskrift for Kortlægning og Arealforvaltning

    Tidsskriftet udkommer to gange årligt og formålet er formidling af videnskabelig og faglig viden indenfor landinspektørens fagfelt til landinspektørforeningens medlemmer og andre interesserede.

    Tidsskriftet tager imod artikler og essays indenfor emner relateret til fast ejendomsretsforhold, arealforvaltning, fysisk planlægning, landmåling og geoinformatik - eller populært sagt indenfor landinspektørens fagfelt.

  • Journal of China and International Relations

      JCIR provides a forum for exploring how external factors helped shape China’s internal transformations and how China’s inner transformation contributed to reshaping the world.

  • Sociedad y Discurso

    La revista electrónica Sociedad y Discurso fue fundada en 2002 en la Universidad de Aalborg, Dinamarca, como una publicación académica por el colectivo de profesores de Español, en el marco institucional del actual Departamento de Cultura y Estudios Globales.