Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter


Christensen, Jørgen Riber. 2013. “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter: Travesty As Historiographic Metafiction”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 6 (juni):232-44. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i6.2864.

Abstract | Abstract

This kind of films mixes the genre biopic with historiography, as they dramatize authentic historical figures and their personal as well as political lives. Cinematic biographies of this kind may create controversies as veracity can have fallen victim to the needs of the film script and the box office. The article will attempt to read Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (Timur Bekmambetov, 2012) in the light of narratological theories and it will investigate whether the film’s genre hybridity or mashup characteristics as well as its travesty traits have enabled it to climb from meaningless late night entertainment to historiographic metafiction. Its initial and quite basic research question is whether Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter has in any way been able to tell the truth about the past? A part of this question is how apt the signification of the vampire monster type is as a vehicle for the film’s quite specific form of historiography? 
